Wrath of Heaven Chapter 1 + History (v2.0)

The roaring of the battlefield could be heard from miles around, echoing off the icefields and thundering through the caves beneath them. It was a war, but a war for survival. One of the first of many wars against powerful foreigners that threatened their extinction.   Amidst the chaos of the battlefield a single maiden … Continue reading Wrath of Heaven Chapter 1 + History (v2.0)

Wrath of Heaven: Plans and Timeline

Wrath of Heaven. You've seen me post about it before, and have seen some of it layed out. It's a large series that I plan to write, and have been writing. It's one I've been working on, imagining if not writing, since as early as 7th Grade. Even now, I alter it to suit my … Continue reading Wrath of Heaven: Plans and Timeline

Fate/Stay Night, Apocrypha, and more OSTs Playlist on SoundCloud

Some of us like the Fate soundtracks. Not the OP and ED, but the rest. Well, it's still a work in progress but it has (as of writing this) 171 songs on it. Fate/Zero and Fate/SN UBW (2015) were easy finds (I don't know if i got every song, however) but I'm now aiming for more … Continue reading Fate/Stay Night, Apocrypha, and more OSTs Playlist on SoundCloud